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Life hadn’t been easy for her. Barely eighteen she had lost both parents and struggled to come to grips with the ordeal. Her hopes had been dashed of a normal life one filled with birthday parties, Christmas celebrations and being walked down the aisle at her wedding. Now she had to devise a way to make her life work and it wasn’t easy. Colin wanted to help, but Emily had to heal her pain on her own and no one else could do it for her. Instead, he offered a safe place to be when the monsters of her life hid under her bed and came out to haunt her at night. It wasn’t the first time she had lain in his bed, fully clothed, in a fetal position and he would hold her until the trembling stopped. She would then fall into a fitful sleep mumbling and crying softly into the pillow. This was one of those nights so he thought when the doorbell rang past midnight and she fell into his arms once again. He then led her to his bed just to hold her. He drew Emily into him spooning her in a perfect. Uh I mean dudette, uh sorry Joni.” said Gil as he went down the stairs.Because Joni was never good at being patient she snuck into her sisters’ lab before it was time. She used a strand of Both Susan and Mary’s hair to get into the lab. After discovering that her sisters were not there Joni did some snooping in hopes to find something that would turn her back into Johnny. No luck but she did find her old Johnny X suit. “Oh this was so cool and totally fun. Hmm I wonder where Dukey’s suit is.” After looking around for Dukey’s suit for a total of two seconds, “Okay I’m bored.” said Joni.Joni was about to move onto the next area of the lab when she noticed a second duplicate of her old superhero suit. At closer inspection she noticed it was bigger and she figured she could probably fit in it now. Even with the huge boobs on her chest. With a sly grin she looked around and locked the door to the lab. Joni stripped down and was getting ready to put one foot into the pants when she heard a.
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